Monday, June 29, 2009

Helicopter, monk seal and secret waterfalls June 28 2009

We started the day in our budget ocean view room and enjoyed a cozy breakfast at the balcony. Then came the helicopter tour which I was very excited about. It was like the Vishwaroopam of the color green! (sorry can't think of a better fitting English word - means 'in true form and all its glory') The most memorable moments were the Jurassic park waterfalls at eye level, and many others adorning the cliffs, flying into the Honopu valley with the Na Pali ridges all around and of course viewing the Waialaealae crater and the Weeping Wall. I wish we spent all our heli time in Na Pali and Waialaealae - very unique and mesmerizing. I was pretty upset that Jack Harters landed at 59 min and odd seconds when it was supposed to be a 60-65. minute tour. Call me bickering but at those rates and all that eye candy scenery, air time should be measured in nanao seconds with an atomic clock which stop counting after 60 minutes. (maybe 59 for our pilot) . We had lunch at Kauai pasta (thumbs up) and then visited the Kilauea lighthouse and bird sanctuary. Birds were everywhere - nesting close to the trail, all over the cliffs and flying above (red footed boobies, red and white tail tropicbirds, Newell shearwater and the great frigate bird).

We then hiked down to Secret beach where D rested in the tree shade while the 3 of us hiked to find the secret pools. The going was a little tough in flip flops over lava rocks especially after we passed by a monk seal snoozing in the sand. The pools themselves appealed less than the waterfalls further down. It was a small waterfall with exactly 3 massage spots after crossing some super slippery rocks but imagine soaking in a waterfall while gazing at the ocean a few feet away. As we headed back to the beach with relative ease, I waited and witnessed the very cute sight of the monk seal wobbling back into the ocean, after it's slumber was disturbed by a rogue wave. We spent time in the water braving the waves and saw a guy boogie boarding without a board! Way cool ... We could also see the Kilauea lighthouse above us. We hiked back up with a smile on our face and joy in our hearts. After much debate we had dinner at the Polynesian cafe in Hanalei. The Mexican dishes r decent, the Asian dishes not as much. G very very sweetly sacrificed his enchilada dinner for me and ate my uncooked rice and sorry looking Tofu. All in all a fabulous start with wildlife and waterfalls.
The trail to Secret Beach is short and steep like many other beach access trails of north shore. It was dry when we were there. Rainier weather would have made for a slicker trail.
Please do not loiter and talk close to the monk seals. After all its their hard earned nap time. And yes we heard this from the ranger.
Helicopter tour is great if you have the money for it. The photos are rewarding too. If not don't sweat it, it is just another way of enjoying the beautiful island.
Regarding seating in the helicopter, we got seated in the front. Lucky us! The front middle seat is great for overall viewing while the front right seat is good for photography and gazing on particular sights. The glass panes extend to almost your feet.

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