Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tunnels, Kuilau RIdge Hike and Ke'e - July 4th 2009

We started the day early to go snorkeling in Tunnels Beach. The reef was beautiful and a highlight was was one huge trumpetfish that changed color right in front of my eyes from blue-gray to blue-green. I think it just woke up and started cruising along the sandy floor. In general the reef was busy. Al these fish was heading to the same part of the reef to nibble of the coral. A very good way to spend the morning. Coming back to the beach was tricky with the very shallow reef and the low tide. This site is best at high tide.

On return, R again motivated us to go an hike - the Kuilau Ridge trial. This trail is absolutely delightful for the effort you put in. It was drizzling for most of the time on the trail and it was oh so green and varied all the way. On our return we found an interesting gecko type bug on a rock.

Today was sunset and snorkel day again. We went back to snorkel in Kee. I saw the turtle, the tiniest of eels, and HumuHumunukunukuapa'a. On our return to the car, R found a key and went back to the beach to find the owner. He was so overwhelmed that he sponsored a lot of our very expensive dinner that night at the sushi place in Hanalei. A fulfilling day indeed!

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